Mexico - Hidalgo - Zacualtipán de Ángeles - Up to 500 citizens - Piedra Blanca (El Vivero)

Piedra Blanca (El Vivero) - Hidalgo

Facts about Piedra Blanca (El Vivero)

Location of Piedra Blanca (El Vivero)

Piedra Blanca (El Vivero) is located in the municipality of Zacualtipán de Ángeles in the Mexican state of Hidalgo with the GPS coordinates:
Longitude (dec): -98.627500
Latitude (dec): 20.605278

Height over sea level of Piedra Blanca (El Vivero)

The locations medium height over sea level is 1980 meters.

Population in Piedra Blanca (El Vivero)

The over all population of Piedra Blanca (El Vivero) is 120 persons, 64 of them are male and 56 of them are female.

Age distribution

The population of this place consists of 45 minors and 75 adults, with 8 of them being 60 years and older.

Social structure

A legal claim on health care and social insurance benefits have 115 citizens of Piedra Blanca (El Vivero).

Economic situation

In Piedra Blanca (El Vivero) exist about 28 households.

Of these households 28 are common houses or apartments, 1 are without floor and about 0 consist of one room only.

15 of the normal households have sanitary installations, 27 are connected to the public water supply, 28 have access to electricity.

The economic situation allows 0 households to own a computer, 8 own a washing machine and 28 households are equipped with one ore more televisions.

School and education in Piedra Blanca (El Vivero)

Besides the 7 analphabets aged 15 or older, about 2 minors between 6 and 14 are not visiting a school.

5 inhabitants of the population of 15 years and older did not visit a school and 46 persons did not finish the school. 24 visited only the 6 years lasting primary school, 4 visited and finished the college or similar scholar institutions.

A total of 0 aged 15 to 24 years visited a school, the medium time school is visited through the whole population is 6 years.

Map of Piedra Blanca (El Vivero)

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